
Hello! My name is Rana Mansour. I grew up with two older sisters and two younger brothers in my home country Syria. When I was 9 years old, (2007) me and my family moved to Canada, Kitchener Ontario. Moving to Canada was a huge change in our lives and we were all devastated to leave our family and friends, but as soon as we settled down and got comfortable in our new home, we adapted to the new environment very quickly and easily. I have made some amazing friends here, some of my closest friends this year are Nooria, Mahdiyyah, Nazifa, Zain, Saadiya, and Deen. Also, one of my best friends last year and still is, is Hasina Sembi, but she recently moved to England.

 Many people immigrate to Canada for many different reasons, and for my family, I have no idea why we moved.... Maybe it was for a higher international education level, maybe for a change, but honestly, as much as I like Canada and my friends and school and the many great things here, I would love to go back to Syria more often. In the summer of 2011, me and my family went back to Syria for a two month visit and it was the best summer I have ever had. Going back to
the family, friends and especially food! was the best.

 Surprisingly, I love school. Not the homework! but the actual going to school everyday is not as bad to me as many people say it is. I enjoy waking up and getting ready in the morning and meeting my friends and even going to classes, but my favorite part of school is... obviously lunch time. My favorite subjects would be Art, Family Studies, Civics, and Math. In my free time, i love listening to music and going on Tumblr and eating.

 My number 1 hobby is drawing. I like to draw realistic human faces, mostly celebrities. I get it from my mother as she also loves drawing realistically too. When in Syria, I entered a competition for drawing and this competition has levels, and I won three levels and was going into the fourth, but that was when we moved to Canada and I did not continue in it. There is a slide show displayed below if you are interested in looking at some of my drawings that I did this
past summer. 

I absolutely love makeup and hair! some people I know love it too and some people don't  but for me, it is my top interest as I am more on the art side. Me and my oldest sister are very alike, and I see her as one of my role models, because she has gone through so much in her life and puts others before herself all the time. me and my solder sisters are very close and like best friends, which is probably strange as most sisters "hate" each other. Me and my sisters all love clothes, hair, the movies we always watch together, drawing and makeup are what I consider as the things that keep up close.

 I absolutely LOVE LONG HAIR. I love how it looks, I love styling it, and I love growing it long and healthy but at the same time still enjoying it while I have it. I also have a passion for fashion, and makeup too. My favorite sport is soccer. I used to play the piano but I stopped a couple of years ago which I now regret. I used to be the leader of my school's Gymnastics team back in Syria, and I also love to dance.

TV  shows; Pretty Little Liars, Twisted, The Vampire Diaries, and The Lying Game.
 Favorite Movies; The Notebook, Mean Girls, White Chicks, All the Twilight movies, and The Hot Chick.
 Colours; Baby pink, and white
Sarah A
10/30/2013 11:43:38 pm

i love all the pretty collages you made. keep it up :)

Amber B
10/30/2013 11:53:56 pm

omg! I like tumblr and eating too :)
I love your style


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